How to make a business video to relaunch your services after lockdown.

Business video launch

As we emerge from lockdown with fresh ideas and a willingness to get back into some form of fresh routine, some may be considering how they’re going to share their vision and announce they are open for business.

During these past months, we’ve all got used to communicating on screens, with zoom and similar becoming part of our family and business lives.

People have become familiar with video as a lifeline to keeping in touch like never before and before we get back to face to face meetings, this media is likely to continue. 

So if you are considering making a video and your first thought might be to attempt it yourself but would a DIY video represent the quality of your services? Crap videos, shot on phones are popping up everywhere and this trend is spoiling a companies reputation and brand.

So where do you start?

The truth is, making a video on your phone is easy, but we’re not talking about self- made videos here. Making the ‘right’ professional video needs a little more thought and without the right guidance can be a little overwhelming.

Without the right steer from the very start of a project, you can waste a lot of time trying to get your video off the ground.

How will you make it, what support will you need, how long is it going to take, who’ll appear in it, will you get it done in time for your deadline, the list goes on… and the big question how much is it going to cost.

Many identify the need for a video but struggle with its planning and often don’t clearly set out their expectations. Usually, because they don’t understand the process. They don’t realise what’s involved.

Why? Because the most important part of video production is what happens before the camera starts rolling.

Pre-production, or the planning phase of a video project, is literally where the video is made—long before you hit the “record” button.

Starting on the wrong foot can be a problem and early found issues can often shelf a project.

Find a professional that can help you deliver your message successfully. Arrange a Zoom and tell them what you want to achieve, share your expectations and your desired outcome. Ask about added value, results, opportunities and say hello to the new world.

business video, video company, video production, videographer